The Research Institute ISIRYM is at the service of society and its progress by researching and providing solutions to reduce the impact of ionizing radiation, committed to a safer and less harmful industrial activities for people and the environment, so that the impact of ionizing radiation, either due to its applications or due to radiation of natural origin, can be as small as possible, focusing its studies on reducing the doses received by people.

Specifically, the SENUBIO group (Nuclear Safety and Ionizing Radiation Bioengineering) focuses its work on nuclear safety, radiation protection and medical-physics engineering.

One of its lines of research in physical-medical engineering is dedicated to the optimization and reduction of doses in medical applications: radiodiagnosis, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy. This aims to reduce doses imparted by ionizing radiation to people (patients and staff).

Specifically, the IRAMED Project (Ionizing Radiation Dose Reduction in Medical Applications) is a €550.000 Prometeo project for research groups of excellence hosted at the Universitat Politècnica de València and funded by Generalitat Valenciana.

The project started in 2023 and spans a total duration of 4 years. 

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