In this work package a methodology will be developed to reconstruct the neutron spectrum produced in any bunker with LinAcs or Protontherapy, but it can be applied in any medical or nuclear facility where it is of interest. The known neutron spectrum will be used to calculate the equivalent neutron dose.
The tasks involved in this work package are:
Task 3.1 To generate the response function of the multisphere spectrometer. In this task, the response matrix of the neutron detector will be obtained using Monte Carlo simulations. For this task the Monte Carlo model of the BSS will be developed to be runned with MCNP.
Task 3.2 BSS experimental measurements in a LinAc bunker. A set of measures in neutrons per second with the BSS device in any position of the bunker where the neutron spectrum should be studied will be made. The LinAc or protontherapy facility will be provided by Comunitat Valenciana hospitals. Other neutron dose detectors can be also used to study the equivalent doses at these places, which will help to normalize reconstructed spectrum.
Task 3.3 Unfolding the Spectrum and Doses Calculation. Once the energy spectrum is obtained, it can be used to estimate the dose absorbed by patients at the considered point in the room that allows improving cancer treatments, reducing secondary cancers produced by secondary radiation.